Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Kelly
Welcome to Reception Class!
The team for Reception 2024-25 is Mrs Kelly, Mrs Mooney, Mrs Cardus and Mrs Gaffney. As a team, we work to provide an enabling learning environment which faciliates happiness and success for all. Our long term plan of learning is attached at the bottom of the page. This ambitious, engaging curriculum has been carefully designed to offer a suitably pitched, relevant learning experience for all. However, as we get to know the children so well, we will adapt curriculum content to match the needs and interests of the children whilst ensuring that all curriculum areas are taught to meet statutory requirements.
About Mrs Kelly...
I have been a teacher for 29 years and came to St Anne's in March 2015 to do a few days supply cover. I quickly became fond of the welcoming, caring, hardworking staff and children and was lucky enough to secure a permanent position.
I am currently the Lead Teacher for Maths and Phonics at St Anne's which means that I am responsible for ensuring that the prevailing National Curriculum is taught to the highest standard in all year groups. Teaching and learning is carefully monitored and evaluated to ensure best practice and best outcomes for all.
I am also Early Years Lead which enables me to keep my everyday practice at its most informed and enables me to spread the joy of early years across the school. I am also furtunate enough to be able to work closely with the amazing team at Sunflowers, strengthening the link between the two settings.
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