Ethos and Values



At St. Anne’s, we learn about God, ourselves, our church and how to pray.

We try to be a good friend, have fun, love each other and be kind to each other.

We want to let every child in our school have the same chance as everyone else.

When we make mistakes, we are forgiven, and each day is a new beginning.

We want everyone in our school to feel safe and happy.



Our Mission

At St Anne’s we learn about God, ourselves, our church and how to pray. We try to be a good friend, have fun, love each other and be kind to each other.  We want to let every child in our school have the same chance as everyone else. When we make mistakes we are forgiven, and each day is a new beginning.  We want everyone in our school to feel safe and happy.

Our Vision

Our vision is to work together in the way of Christ, to develop learners who are respectful, responsible, educated young people who will contribute positively to the world wide community and grow with a faith that will underpin their adult lives. This vision will create the school ethos that we strive for.

What does our motto mean?

‘Christ at the heart of all we do’

It is the gift of Christian faith to know that God speaks to us in the person of Jesus Christ. We chose ‘Christ at the heart of all we do’ for Christ is the one who not only shows us the truth about God but also the truth about ourselves. Christ is indeed at the centre of our educational endeavour. To put Christ at the heart of all we do means we integrate the gospel values and the teachings of the Catholic Church into every aspect of learning, teaching and the totality of school life. In our school, our children’s journey towards adulthood will also be a journey of faith. 

Our School Aims

St Anne’s will carry out its purpose by working to achieve the following aims:-

  • Our school aims to be a community where the spiritual, cultural and personal worlds in which we live are harmonized to form the roots from which grow our values, motivation, aspirations and the moral perspective which informs our choices and actions.
  • Our learners will be successful through high quality teaching and learning activities. 
  • Our learners benefit from a committed staff team who operate in a high quality and stimulating learning environment
  • The needs of our current and future learners are met through the development of the school’s curriculum, enhanced learning opportunities and a commitment to equality of opportunity and valuing diversity.
  • Our learners’ experience is enhanced and supported through a range of additional experiences.
  • Learner satisfaction, achievement and performance is continually and measurably improved through effective self evaluation and improvement strategies.

Our School Values

By achieving our school aims we will have the following values, which will help to determine the culture within our school:-

  • Enabling learners to be successful is at the heart of everything we do.
  • Valuing and respecting the individual and their unique capabilities and contributions.
  • Commitment to co-operation and team working.
  • Enabling personal and professional development of all who work within our school community.
  • A commitment to the principles and practice of inclusivity, equality and diversity.
  • A commitment to continuous improvement 
  • A commitment to working healthily and safely.
  • Embracing and valuing change.

Rooted in the teaching of Christ, gospel values constitute the targets and outcomes for our Catholic school. This is not in addition to the quest for high academic standards but integral to it.

We feel our values as a Catholic school can be summarised as follows:

  • Faithfulness and Integrity
  • Dignity and Compassion
  • Humility and Gentleness
  • Truth and Justice
  • Forgiveness and Mercy
  • Purity and Holiness
  • Tolerance and Peace
  • Service and Sacrifice

Contact the School

St Annes Catholic Primary School

Wellington Road

Main Contact: Mrs M Ashbrooke, School Business Manager

Tel: 01270 260783

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What Our Parents Say

"Each child is encouraged to grow to their full potential