SEND- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SEND at St Anne’s


‘Christ at the heart of all we do’


At St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School, we aim for all children to fulfil their potential spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically, in order to become independent and enthusiastic learners.

Children with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) are learners who require support that is additional to, and otherwise different from, the educational provision made generally available for children of their age. Through a high standard of adaptive teaching in the classroom (known as Ordinarily Available Inclusive Provision), early identification of SEND need and appropriate interventions or support resources and scaffolds, St Anne’s endeavour to ensure that all children receive the best possible education and access their potential regardless of need, barrier or

SEND needs are categorised into four main areas of need:

·       Cognition and Learning

·       Communication and Interaction

·       Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

·       Physical and Sensory Needs

Using the Cheshire East SEND Toolkit, as part of the Local Offer, and collaborating with a wide range of agencies and specialists such as Educational Psychologists, Dyslexia specialists, the Cheshire East Autism Team (CEAT), and Sensory Occupational Therapists (SPOTTS), the school SENCo, Colette Alcock, coordinates staff and provision to deliver support appropriate and bespoke to our learners’ need, defined in our Individual Child Profiles (ICPs) and SEN Support Plans (SSPs).

Beyond this, a small number of children may require an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), decided by the Local Authority and based upon a Needs Assessment, which allocates and specifies the level of additional funding to be used by the school to provide further support for the child. These plans and targets are regularly assessed by teaching staff, and furthermore shared with and agreed by parents to ensure the full support and collaboration of the ‘team around a child’ that we aim to build.

Further, more detailed information is available in our SEND Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement, SEND Support at St Anne’s, Provision Map- Waves of Provision, St Anne’s SEND Report and SEND Policy documents attached below. The Local Offer is linked below also.

Ms Alcock is the school SENCO. To contact her, please email:

Please see links below and separate tab on home page for further information regarding SEND.

Further Information

St. Anne's Access Audit January 2024

Early Help Information

CEIAS (Cheshire East Information and Advice Support Team)

Useful links:

Cheshire East Local Offer

Cheshire East Livewell Website

Cheshire East Information Advice and Support (CEIAS)

CAMHS- support resources

Contact the School

St Annes Catholic Primary School

Wellington Road

Main Contact: Mrs M Ashbrooke, School Business Manager

Tel: 01270 260783

Quick Links

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What Our Parents Say

"Each child is encouraged to grow to their full potential