St Annes Catholic Primary School
Wellington Road
Main Contact: Mrs M Ashbrooke, School Business Manager
Tel: 01270 260783
"Leaders have a curriculum that contains a wide range of subjects. It meets the needs of all pupils well, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders organise the curriculum so that pupils with SEND do not miss out on any subjects."
OFSTED (February, 2020)
At St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School, we aim for all children to fulfil their potential spiritually, intellectually, emotionally and physically, in order to become independent and enthusiastic learners.
We work alongside our families, and with the support of outside agencies and specialists, to define and deliver appropriate support for children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities (SEND) in order to meet the needs of each child. This support is outlined in an individula and bespoke SEN Support Plan. Beyond this, a small number of children will require an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)- the Local Authority will complete a Needs Assessment to identify whether a child requires an EHCP, specifying the allocation of additonal funding to be used by the school to provide further support for the child.
Class teachers monitor children’s progress on a regular basis and provide targeted support within the classroom, which may include small group activities with the class teacher or a teaching assistant or formal interventions that take place outside of the classroom.
To ensure that families are informed of their child's learning, and to support effective working partnerships, SEN Review Meetings are held termly at St. Anne's, to allow families to meet with teaching staff and the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) to discuss the provision provided to meet their child's needs.
The school SENCO is supported by the following agencies, who provide specialist advice on a regular basis:
Referrals are made by the SENCO and further advice can be sought by parents from the advice group CEIAS (Cheshire East Information Advice and Support). Please see links below and separate tab on home page.
Ms Alcock is the school SENCO. To contact her, please email:
Further Information
St. Anne's Access Audit January 2024
CEIAS (Cheshire East Information and Advice Support Team)
Useful links:
Cheshire East Livewell Website
St Annes Catholic Primary School
Wellington Road
Main Contact: Mrs M Ashbrooke, School Business Manager
Tel: 01270 260783