Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs James

Mrs James

Hello my name is Mrs James and I am a teacher here at St Anne's. I enjoy delivering a range of activities to help the children progress and hopefully enjoy their learning at the same time.

I oversee the development of Religious Education throughout the school. The children's spiritual development underpins all that we do here at St Anne's, and a key part of this is to encourage gospel values in all aspects of school life.

I have worked at St Anne's for many years now and have really enjoyed being part of such a warm and welcoming environment for all its community.

Files to Download

04-GetOutOfThisTemple(full).mp3 02-TheDonkey'sTale(full).mp3 12-BarabbasGoesFree(full).mp3 10-Pilate'sResponse(full).mp3 06-WhoBakedTheBread(full).mp3 14-Mary'sSong(full).mp3 16-TheDonkey'sFinalTale(full).mp3 08-JudasAndPeter(full).mp3

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Contact the School

St Annes Catholic Primary School

Wellington Road

Main Contact: Mrs M Ashbrooke, School Business Manager

Tel: 01270 260783

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"Each child is encouraged to grow to their full potential